Monstercology: Orcs - Goodman Games

They thrive live in the shadow-lands. Where we are weak, the orcs are cruel. When we offer mercy, they give no quarter. They howl at the border of our kingdoms, raze our villages, and slaughter our people. And when the last city falls into burning ruin, the orcs will stand victorious, their grisly war-banners and bloody spears raised in triumph.

The first in a series of master tomes that illuminate the strengths and weakness of the foes that prey upon the kingdoms of good, Monstercology: Orcs brings mankind’s oldest enemy to light.
Know thine enemy: Monstercology.

Monstercology: Orcs is a great new 4E sourcebook by Rick Maffei. If you don't know Rick's work, you should ... and you will. Rick's one of the great unsung gaming writers I know. His adventure "The Scaly God" is one of the best DCCs ever published; he's written some of the best and most fiendish encounters for the various Dungeon Crawl Classic tournament adventures; and his most recent DCC, "Thrones of Punjar", is a must-have if you're playing a 4E game.

Monstercology: Orcs balances fluff with crunch effortlessly. Better still, it gets ideas for games flowing as you read it, and flowing easily. I picked it up this morning - and although I'm only about halfway through its pages, I've already gotten ideas for a great 4E campaign just by reading this book. I can't really say the same for many other 4E sourcebooks ... so kudos to you, Rick, for a job very, very well-done.

Although it's perfect for 4E, I think it's a good sourcebook for any sort of fantasy game. I know I'll be importing some of its concepts into my Warhammer game.

Rick's one of those writers whose stuff I love to read, and who always makes me want to be a better writer myself. He always makes me shake my head and go "... man, I wish I'd thought of that." And for a writer, I don't have any higher compliment than that.

So pick up Monstercology: Orcs, and get familiar with Rick's work.

I get the feeling that you'll be seeing his name on more and more books in the weeks and months to come.

Which is fantastic indeed.

BY Mike Ferguson

Rules Set: 4E (GSL).
Writer: Rick Maffei
Cover Art: Ben Wootten
Graphic Design: Erik Nowak


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