In the original Dungeons & Dragons pamphlets, this breed of demon was known as "balrog", but the name was revised in subsequent supplements to simply "type VI demon" so as not to infringe on J. R. R. Tolkien's copyright. In second edition AD&D, the name "type VI demon" was revised to "balor," taking the name of the greatest individual of their rank as the name for the entire breed. Also in second edition, balors now had vorpal swords.


Typical physical characteristics

In the original Monster Manual, balors are twelve foot tall, winged humanoids with horns and demonic features. They prefer to wield swords and many-tailed whips. They are able to create flames around themselves and shed darkness at will. They possess a strong charisma that attracts other chaotic evil creatures. They tend towards organized evil. Six are known to exist.

In the 2nd edition Monstrous Manual, balors are the most powerful tanar'ri. They exist solely to wage the Blood War, and roam the Abyss, forming legions to command in battle. They have huge wings, claws, venomous fangs, and are commonly surrounded by flame. They wield a many-tailed whip and a greatsword that resembles a bolt of lightning. At least 24 are known to exist.

Balor (Type VI demon)

  • Alzoll: DMG (1979)
  • Baalbisan: Neverwinter Nights 2
  • Balor: DMG (1979)
  • Belcheresk: Fiendish Codex 1 pg 140
  • Buphalthus: Bastion of Broken Souls
  • Chare'en: The Grand History of the Realms pg 149; powerful demon lord
  • Dakunth: Dragon #24 "Ramifications of Alignment"
  • Dingoslag: Dungeon #149 pg 81
  • Errtu: DMG (1979), The Grand History of the Realms pg 146, appears in the novels "The Crystal Shard", "Siege of Darkness", and "Passage to Dawn"
  • Fareeansis: (aka Benedict), WotC - Realms Personalities - Jesanta Beril, Nar Demonbinder by Morrie Mullins
  • Glyphimhor: H4 - Throne of Bloodstone, Dead Gods, Fiendish Codex 1 pg 128
  • Grintharke: I12- Egg of the Phoenix, mentioned in FR5 - The Savage Frontier pg 8, 42, 59, and 63 (Killed off in Hellgate Keep and The North backstory)
  • Henjar: Well of Worlds pg 52
  • Illssender: Hellbound: The Blood War, The Dark of the War, pg 24
  • Kalphazor: Dungeon #55 (2e) pg 19
  • Miirta: Well of Worlds pg 52
  • Ndulu: DMG (1979), appears in Dragon #91 "Treasure Trove" in the entry for Demonbane (reprinted in FR4 - The Magister p57), mentioned in Sea of Fallen Stars, appears in Champions of Ruin under write-up of Eltab and in The Grand History of the Relams pg 101 and 103
  • Oulstra: Hellbound: The Blood War - The Dark of the War (2e) pg 24
  • Raachaak: "The Paladins", book two of the Forgotten Realms' Double Diamond Triangle Saga.
  • Severik: Book of Vile Darkness, pg 129
  • Tamion: Bastion of Broken Souls
  • Tarnhem: Return to the Tomb of Horrors, Manual of the Planes (2001) pg 103; former ruler of the Noisome Vale (489th layer of the Abyss)
  • Ter-Soth: DMG (1979), appears in H4 - The Throne of Bloodstone, pg 47
  • Thaylak: Dungeon #97 pg 113
  • Wendonai: DMG (1979), detailed in Lost Empires of Faerun, pgs 52, 54-55

In current editions of the Monster Manual, balors are 12 foot humanoids with bat wings, bull horns, clawed hands and a mane. Their dark red skin is bathed in flame. They wield a vorpal sword in one hand and a flaming whip in the other. They are generals of demonic armies. They answer only to Demon lords and kluritchirs.


Balors are among the most powerful demons of the abyss, surpassed only by the demon lords. In the 3rd Edition Fiend Folio, two types of Tanar'ri, kluritchirs and myrmyxicus, are more powerful than balors. There are exceptional lesser demons that may surpass a balor, but few possess more potential.

With proper invoking, offerings, and promises type VI demons might be convinced to co-operate with a character or group for a time. Naturally, the demon will attempt to assume/usurp command at every opportunity. Most chaotic evil monsters are drawn to the strong evil charisma of this creature, and of all its kind, the type VI demon tends towards a more organized evil (which makes it less than popular with demon lords and princes).


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