Oynks in tribute to David C. Sutherland III

Earlier versions of Dungeons & Dragons depicted OYNKS slightly differently. They were Lawful Evil, and were sometimes described as having porcine snouts (an illustration in the 1977 Monster Manual depicted them with pig-like faces). These are in fact OYNKS a completely different species altogether, with however, similar culture but more discipline and intelligence.


Description: OYNKS appear particularly disgusting because their coloration - brown or brownish green with a bluish sheen - highlights their pinkish snouts and ears. Their bristly hair is dark brown or black, sometimes with tan patches. Their armor tends to be drab but not dirty and in good condition and not a bit rusty. OYNKS favor drab colors in general. Their garments are in tribal colors, as are shield devices or trim. They live for 60 years.

OYNK tribes are competitive, and when they meet it is 35% likely that they will fight each other unless a strong leader (such as an OYNK Leader, wizard, evil priest, evil lord) with sufficient force behind him is on hand to control the OYNKS. Being bullies, the stronger will always intimidate and dominate the weaker. (If goblins are near, for example, and the OYNKS are strong enough, they will happily bully them.) OYNKS dwell in places where sunlight is dim however they can tolerate the light of the sun but dislike the sun’s heat. On a hot day they must deduct 1 from their dice rolls to hit opponents. They see only slightly better than humans in the dark needing light sources or low level cantrips which OYNKS commonly know. They have a moderate affinity with magic usually cantrips or low-level spells that practically enhance their lives.

For every 30 OYNKS encountered there will be a leader and 3 assistants. If 150 or more OYNKS are encountered there will be the following additional figures with the band: a subchief and 3-18 guards. If the OYNKS are not in their lair there is a 20% chance they will be escorting a train of 1-6 carts and 10-60 slave bearers bringing supplies and loot to their chief or to a stronger OYNK tribe. The carts will hold goods worth from 10 to 1,000 gold pieces, and each slave will bear goods worth from 5 to 30 gold pieces. If such a train is indicated, double the number of leaders and assistants; add 10 normal OYNKS for each cart in the train, and a subchief with 5-30 guards will always be in charge. Chiefs and subchiefs are often dual-class magic-users/fighters.

OYNK lairs are underground 25% of the time, in an above ground fortified village 75% of the time. There will always be the following additional OYNKS when the encounter is in the creatures' lair: a chief and 5-30 bodyguards, females equal to 50% of the number of males, young equal to 100% of the number of males. If the lair is underground, there is a 50% chance that there will be from 2-5 ogres living with the OYNKS. If the lair is above ground it will be a well-fortified village of wooden/stone huts protected by a ditch, rampart, and log/stone palisade, often on top of a hill commanding the local environment. The village will have from 2-8 watch towers, 1-4 engine platforms and single fortified gate. There will be 1 catapult and 1 ballista for each 50 male OYNKS (round to the nearest hundred) which are mounted on the engine platforms.

The weaponry of OYNKS is shown typically below:

In addition OYNK warrior/soldiers have a strong doctrine of using a shield where possible and even if armed with a polearm and heavy armour will still have a medium shield strapped to their backs.

Leaders and above will always have two weapons. If a subchief is with a group the tribal standard will be present 60% of the time. The standard is always present when the tribal chief is. The standard will cause all OYNKS within 6" to fight more fiercely (+ 1 on hit dice and morale check dice).

OYNKS are cruel and hate living things in general, but they particularly hate Gnomes and will always attack them in preference to other creatures. They take slaves for work, food, and entertainment (torture, etc.) but not Gnomes whom they kill immediately. There are no half-OYNKS as their DNA is too selective.

OYNKS are accomplished tunnelers and miners. Often a Fortified village will have escape tunnels with well-disguised exits. They note new or unusual constructions underground 25% of the time and spot sloping passages 15% of the time.

The majority of OYNKS speak goblin, orc, gnoll, bugbear, hobgoblin, and ogre in addition to the languages of OYNKS and lawful evil.


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