GROGNARDIA: Of Goblins and Pig-Faced Orcs

...This brings me to pig-faced orcs. Again, Gary claimed that the pig-faced version was the result of another miscommunication with his artists -- this seems to have happened a lot -- but I have a great fondness for them nonetheless. Plus, I already have a bunch of Otherworld minis to use, so I figure why not do so? Ive decided that orcs were also magical creations of the Eld -- boars given humanoid form and sentience to be used as easily replaceable cannon fodder. By the same logic, gnolls, rather than being a gnome-troll hybrid as OD&D suggests, are uplifted hyenas.

That about covers the basics. Im still pondering what to do about giants and trolls, but Ive already decided that ogres are human beings cursed for having indulged in cannibalism and have now become monstrously ravenous eating machines.


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