A legion of one appears as a monstrous goblin-like creature with dull, gray skin; red, beady eyes; and massive metallic fangs. Its long, lanky arms end in wicked, black iron claws. Constantly roiling and shuddering, the creature’s flesh is rubbery and slimy to the touch, and small humanoid creatures can be seen pushing outward against its skin, occasionally breaking halfway out and bleating pitifully before disappearing back into the legion’s body with a sickening slurping noise. If the legion so chooses, it can allow these creatures to escape from its body and go forth to do its bidding. Many legions use these spawn to scout out areas for potential targets.

Enterprising legions of one sometimes send their offspring into human towns to search out particularly rich residents and steal their treasure. If the risk is warranted, a legion sometimes stomps into town personally and takes what it wants, relying on its spawn to scout out its path so it might strike at the most opportune moment. Some legions direct their spawn to start fires or launch diversionary attacks, allowing the legion enough time to rush in, grab the loot, and flee for the hills before the town guard can react. The connection between the legion and its spawn allows them to work together in a highly coordinated and effective manner.

Legions delight in torturing and devouring other humanoids, but especially elves and dwarves.

Legion of One Spawn Tactics
A legion of one spawn roils about the battlefield, seeking always to place itself in position to grant flanking bonuses with other spawn or with the legion itself.

The following information about legions of one can be obtained with a successful Dungeoneering check.

 DC 15: Legions of one are the remains of several tribes of goblins that once lived along the shores of the Blood Sea. When Kadum was first sundered and chained in the depths of the sea, a massive tidal wave of his blood washed over the goblins’ enclave, killing the goblins and wiping their settlement from the face of Scarn. Blended with the essence of Kadum’s foul being, the first legions of one emerged from the resulting puddle of organic matter.

DC 20: New legions are formed when a legion’s spawn somehow breaks free of its creator. This event occurs naturally about once every five years for each legion and can also occur when a legion of one is slain while it still has active spawn, in which case all such active spawn become free. A freed spawn quickly begins to devour everything it can find, slowly ballooning to the size of a new legion of one. The local population of legions of one can explode very quickly if but a single legion is slain while it still has dozens of active spawn.

DC 25: Some powerful legions claim to receive visions from the titan Kadum and work to return him to his former glory.

Legion of One Tactics
A legion of one relies on its spawn to harass enemies, using its long reach to rake foes bogged down in combat with its spawn. If threatened directly, it uses its acid vomit to wear down enemies. If sorely pressed, a legion will sometimes beg for mercy, offering bribes in return for its life. However, if spared, the legion will dispatch a few of its spawn to monitor the victors, carefully watching for its chance at revenge.

A legion of one is typically lazy and greedy, depending on its spawn to bring it food and to maintain its lair. They sometimes work with other humanoid tribes or evil overlords for treasure and food.

Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,000)
• 3 legions of one (level 15 brute)
• 1 high gorgon blood witch (level 15 elite controller)


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