
Showing posts from December, 2009

When Generic Isn't Good Enough!


The Ultimate Siege Breaker...

...but the price might just be too high...

Encyclopaedia Arcane Battle Magic

Battle magic is about pushing magic to its absolute destructive limits, turning each arcane phrase into a death sentence and every claw-fingered gesture into a deadly magical assault. Make no mistake – battle magic is about mayhem and death, ensuring your opponents are made to pay for their presumption to challenge your arcane might. Whether you wish to deliver death from afar, firing off massive spells that streak through the sky and blast massive holes in the enemy lines, or want to see the look of fear in your foes’ eyes as you come screaming for their blood with your runeweave robes and spellblade, battle magic is for you. In this book, you will find no information on how to craft intricate illusions or research spells that help your fellow adventurers see in the dark or span a yawning chasm - you will discover new spells devoted solely to destruction, new feats that boost your character’s ability to wreak havoc on enemy forces, and prestige classes to add new fear and respect for...

Gnolls and Paint


THE WAR TROLL – When You Absolutely, MUST Break the Enemy’s Battleline!

This hulking creature stands upright. Although it has the feral features of a troll, its rubbery green skin has a dark, metallic tinge and it wears substantial armor. The creature holds a greatsword with ease and is clearly a skilled warrior. These intelligent and dangerous creatures were bred specifically for war. Never without their weapons and armor, war trolls know nothing of peace, only the chaos of constant battle. They typically travel from battle to battle in mercenary bands. Like forest trolls, they are capable of sophisticated tactics that most other trolls cannot match. Although they are now a separate variety of troll, war trolls were once ordinary trolls of unusual strength and intelligence. Gathered together by a powerful cabal of arcane spellcasters, these trolls were magically engineered and augmented. They were then bred to produce soldiers of incredible power. War trolls have a great love of magic weapons and armor, and they actively seek such equipment if it is prope...

Skullcrusher Ogres – The Ultimate Ogre for the Discerning Warlord

Skullcrusher Ogres from the 3rd edition Monster Manual III, who are just as strong as common Ogres but possess human-level intelligence, making them skilled soldiers. This 8-foot-tall brute resembles an ogre but looks to be more intelligent, and it stands more erect. Its armor and shield are covered in spikes, and it carries a vicious-looking morningstar. Skullcrusher ogres are an offshoot of the ogre stock bred for war. Shorter and less brutish than typical ogres, skullcrusher ogres are nevertheless stronger and more dangerous. Thuggish and sadistic, bellicose and rowdy, skullcrusher ogres enjoy bullying weaker creatures. Tribes often keep slaves, which in many cases are normal ogres. Created long ago to serve as soldiers, skullcrusher ogres have naturally centered their culture on warfare, and their villages are arrayed like military encampments. Skullcrusher ogres build siege walls and other structures to defend their homes, and they train elephants for mounted combat. An adult sku...


A legion of one appears as a monstrous goblin-like creature with dull, gray skin; red, beady eyes; and massive metallic fangs. Its long, lanky arms end in wicked, black iron claws. Constantly roiling and shuddering, the creature’s flesh is rubbery and slimy to the touch, and small humanoid creatures can be seen pushing outward against its skin, occasionally breaking halfway out and bleating pitifully before disappearing back into the legion’s body with a sickening slurping noise. If the legion so chooses, it can allow these creatures to escape from its body and go forth to do its bidding. Many legions use these spawn to scout out areas for potential targets. Enterprising legions of one sometimes send their offspring into human towns to search out particularly rich residents and steal their treasure. If the risk is warranted, a legion sometimes stomps into town personally and takes what it wants, relying on its spawn to scout out its path so it might strike at the most opportune moment....