Sorcerous Six-Shooters

Mark Nelson Artist By Roger E. Moore Magical firearms in the AD&D® game? A Dungeon Master who cringes at the thought of a simple arquebus in the campaign will probably have a fit at the thought of putting a flintlock musket of sharpshooting +3 in a treasure pile. Nonetheless, there are several official AD&D campaigns in which firearms are found, and magical guns are a logical outgrowth there. This article, then, is for the daring DM who is willing to give the concept a try. A good rule of thumb for allowing magical firearms into a campaign is to find a comparable magical wand or device that can be used by any class of character, such as a wand of magic missiles, and determining which is more powerful, the wand or the gun. If magic is to be the most powerful element in the campaign, keep magical firearms at a low level of power. Firearms are described in many places in the AD&D rules. For the purposes of this article, all game information on firearms is taken from the AD...