Adventurers frequently leave the safety of civilization behind and sojourn into uncharted and uncivilized lands. The lack of civility they might encounter has no greater representative than the orc. An orc, no matter the tribe, embodies barbarism in one form or another. When you need an enemy that disrupts the civilized world by its mere presence, you need an orc or even a tribe of them. Each tribe has its own strengths, weaknesses, and goals, and the differences in each tribe can keep those dealing with them off guard. Sometimes, though, a single tribe of orcs is insufficient to achieve an end that an orc leader desires. In these cases, orc tribes join together to form a horde, and strong leaders can utilize the strengths of each tribe to lessen the weaknesses, thereby creating a stronger force. Within a tribe, an orc’s position is determined by its strength, though strength can be a relative term depending on what the orc tribe prizes most in its members. Orcs take challenges fr...