Gnolls in Dungeons & Dragons

Gnoll flind Physical description In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , gnolls greatly resemble hyenas [1] . They are usually between seven and eight feet tall, weighing around 250 to 320 pounds, [2] and use armor made of horn, metal, or leather [1] . Gnolls are generally depicted in the game world as feral nomads who kill and pillage without warning [3] . Their whole bodies are covered in reddish-brown fur which becomes shorter as it surrounds their faces and clawed hands to reveal grey colored skin. Their pelts vary from mono-colored to spotted and their eyes are either yellow or black. Subraces Within the context of the Dungeons & Dragons game, one notable subrace of gnoll is the flind (alternately spelled flynd ), which is shorter, broader, and stronger than other gnolls [4] ; flinds are often found leading a tribe or settlement of gnolls [4] . Flinds use a nunchaku -like weapon called a flindbar , which consists of a pair of metal rods linked t...